Pathways 1: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking Student eBook, First Edition (American English)

Pathways 1: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking Student eBook, First Edition (American English)

Teaching Young Learners English

Teaching Young Learners English

Grammar for Great Writing A Student eBook

Grammar for Great Writing A Student eBook, First Edition

Pathways 1: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking Student eBook, First Edition (American English)

An easy-to-access alternative to print materials that includes everything a learner needs to be an active participant in the classroom. Available offline through VitalSource Bookshelf apps. Ideal for participating in student-driven breakout rooms during online instruction and self-study
Pathways is an academic skills program from National Geographic Learning with separate Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking strands. Using powerful content, images, and video from National Geographic, Pathways provides learners with the language and critical thinking skills needed to be successful in the academic classroom. This innovative program provides learners with a pathway to academic success!