World History: Great Civilizations Student eBook

World History: Great Civilizations Student eBook, First Edition (American English)

World History: Great Civilizations Student eBook, First Edition (American English)

An easy-to-access alternative to print materials that includes everything a learner needs to be an active participant in the classroom. Available offline through VitalSource Bookshelf apps. Ideal for participating in student-driven breakout rooms during online instruction and self-study
World History Great Civilizations makes history meaningful and relevant for students by building insight into world cultures. Students take an active role in the events that make history every day. Two texts available: Great Civilizations (175,000 B.C.-Present) or Ancient through Early Modern Times (175,000 B.C.-1500). Student edition in both print and digital formats. Available in English and Spanish. Fresh, engaging, interactive teacher and student resources on All-Digital Teacher Resources